DAV Mukhyamantri Public School Pratapgarh is located by the side of NH No. 78 at a distance of 10 km from the town Sitapur Block in Chhattisgarh. It is about 30 kms away from Patthalgaon. The school was running in the name of Govt. Model School by the RMSA Govt. of Chhattisgarh. DAV has taken over the management of the school with effect from 23rd June 2016. Presently there are 503 students studying in the school. Classes LKG to XII are running in the school in one shift. There are 28 staff members working in the school. The school is affiliated to CBSE New Delhi. It is a Senior Secondary School with English Medium Teaching. The School is in the area of 7.5 acres well equipped by laboratories, library etc. Digital class room teaching is one of the salient features of the School. School focuses on English spoken part and separate classes are arranged for the weaker students. Weekly tests are arranged to make the continuity in the academic part Apart from academic , different awareness programs and sports activities are regularly organised.